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Is Cancun Safe

Cancun lifeguard
Cancun Lifeguard Station

Is Cancun Safe Right Now?

Cancun, currently, stands as one of Mexico’s premier destinations, but the question lingers: is Cancun safe in the present moment? This inquiry is not solely due to recent health concerns. So, within this post, I aim to provide you with a comprehensive response.

In short, yes, Cancun is safe. The nearly 7 million arrivals at Cancun International Airport in the first quarter of 2022 underscore this fact. While not all visitors stayed in Cancun itself, this figure is indicative of the destination’s allure.

While Playa del Carmen and Tulum also enjoy a share of tourism, it pales in comparison to Cancun. This coastal city ranks among Mexico’s most sought-after beach resorts, attracting global tourists, particularly from the United States.

Cancun’s tailored development for tourism, combined with its extensive stretches of pristine white sands, firmly establish it as one of the world’s premier vacation locales.

But, is Cancun safe for travel at this time? Continue reading for the answer.

Is Cancun safe flow chart

Is Cancun Safe to Visit?

If you’re seeking a concise answer, Cancun generally ranks as a relatively safe city, boasting lower crime rates compared to many other Mexican destinations.


The Mexican government places significant emphasis on ensuring the safety of tourists, recognizing the pivotal role of tourism in driving the local economy.

Nevertheless, exercising caution is always prudent, and there are specific areas you should stick to, as I’ll elaborate on later in this post.

In terms of the pandemic, Cancun has maintained a relatively safe status. It was among the world’s early adopters of hygiene and safety protocols recommended by the World Travel & Tourism Council during the pandemic’s outset.

Hotels continue to uphold stringent disinfection measures, mask mandates, and social distancing guidelines.

It’s worth noting that the sporadic episodes of violent crime often stem from cartel-related drug trafficking disputes, typically unrelated to tourists.

The U.S. Government’s Mexico travel advisory suggests that U.S. citizens “exercise increased caution,” a recommendation that holds true for travel virtually anywhere abroad.

So, if a Cancun visit is on your radar, you have my green light!

However, I strongly recommend following the safety tips below. These are fundamental, common-sense guidelines that should be adhered to whether you’re in Cancun, Mexico City, or any foreign destination.

Young family of 4 on a Cancun beach
Cancun white sands beach

Essential Safety Guidelines for a Cancun Vacation

When heading to this Mexican paradise, these travel safety tips for Cancun should be on your checklist for a worry-free getaway.

Travel with travel health insurance

First and foremost, ensure you have robust health insurance, as healthcare costs in Mexico can be prohibitively high for tourists. While there are travel insurance options that cover COVID treatments, it’s essential to carefully review all the policy clauses before making a purchase. I recommend exploring options like Safetywing and World Nomads.


Both providers offer excellent coverage but cater to different needs, so it’s vital to thoroughly examine what’s included and what’s not.

For instance, Safetywing offers comprehensive coverage for as little as $25 for a week, with daily rates decreasing as you extend your coverage, reaching just $42 for a month’s protection. Considering the peace of mind it offers, this cost is a small investment.

On the other hand, World Nomads may be slightly more expensive, but it allows you to customize your coverage to include specific activities like diving, hiking, or protection for your electronic devices. Given the extensive coverage it provides, it remains an affordable choice.

Wander Around but be Aware

While exploring and taking in the sights is a natural desire, it’s essential not to wander aimlessly. Maintain a clear sense of your location and destination at all times. Particularly during nighttime, steer clear of desolate streets.

Family on Cancun beach
Family fun in Cancun

Exercise Caution and Stay Vigilant

Maintain a friendly demeanor and a warm smile, but always stay attentive to your surroundings. If you sense that individuals are encroaching on your personal space or asking intrusive questions, feel empowered to distance yourself. 

Don’t go out at Night Alone

Whenever possible, avoid solo outings at night. If you must venture out after dark, opt for group outings and stick to well-lit, bustling areas. For nighttime activities, the safest options for tourists are typically the Hotel Zone, malls, and Isla Mujeres.


Don’t get Pickpocketed

These situations are prevalent, particularly in Downtown Cancun, which attracts fewer tourists and can make travelers more susceptible to such incidents. Ensure the safety of your personal belongings by keeping them secure. Guard against pickpocketing! 

Watch Yourself at ATMs

Exercise caution when withdrawing cash from ATMs. Opt for ATMs located within banks or malls for added security. Avoid using roadside ATMs, especially during nighttime. 

Leave Valuable in Hotel Safe Box

Use your hotel room’s safe to store your passport. Always carry a photocopy of your passport while you’re out, as it may be legally required by local authorities. Additionally, retain the immigration card within your passport and have a copy of it, complete with the entry date and immigration stamp.


Do Not get Drunk Alone

While drinking is generally discouraged, if you choose to consume alcohol, it’s essential to do so in moderation. It’s especially important to exercise caution when drinking alone, unless you’re in the company of a trusted group.


Avoid Displaying Your Affluence

Opt for modest attire and refrain from showcasing your wealth. Drawing attention to yourself can make you a target for criminals.

Carry a small amount of local currency with you at all times, rather than US dollars. This way, if you find yourself in a situation involving criminals, you can relinquish it without significant loss or regret.

Woman by the Cancun sign
The Cancun city sign

Buy a Local SIM Card

Acquiring a local SIM card offers numerous benefits. Primarily, it enables you to stay connected with family and friends, but the most significant advantage is gaining access to Google Maps for effortless navigation.

Believe me, you don’t want to find yourself lost in an unfamiliar place!


With a local SIM card, you can easily call a taxi, your hotel, or anyone else you may need, enhancing your overall safety. Personally, I always purchase a SIM card when traveling, even for short trips. It not only helps me feel like a local but also enhances my sense of security.


Drink Only Bottled Water

Consuming tap water in Mexico is inadvisable. While it’s unlikely to be life-threatening, it can increase the risk of stomach ailments and other discomforts. Additionally, tap water often contains elevated levels of heavy metals that can harm your health, not to mention it frequently flows through aging, corroded pipes.


In summary, drinking tap water is strongly discouraged.


However, there’s no need to fret. Many hotels provide complimentary bottled water in guest rooms and bathrooms for activities like tooth brushing. Furthermore, bottled water is readily available for purchase throughout the area.

Stay at a Safe Hotel

If safety is a top priority during your stay in Cancun, it’s advisable to reserve accommodations in a secure hotel situated within a safe neighborhood. (I always prioritize peace of mind, especially while traveling.)

The Cancun Hotel Zone unquestionably ranks as the safest choice for a Cancun vacation.

When Swimming, be Aware of Riptides

Cancun Beach boasts stunning beauty, with its inviting turquoise waters that beckon for a refreshing swim. However, it’s important not to be deceived, as these captivating waters can pose risks. Rip tides are a concern in Cancun and can have dire consequences.


I once found myself in a situation where I couldn’t touch the seabed, and despite my efforts to swim towards the shore, I made no progress. It was a frightening moment, but fortunately, a vigilant lifeguard noticed my distress.


I later learned that when facing such a situation, it’s essential to swim sideways and out of the current. The natural motion of the waves will gradually guide you back to shore.


The key is to remain calm and conserve your energy, as panicking and expending energy can exacerbate the situation.


A rip tide is defined as a localized current flowing from the shoreline into the ocean at a perpendicular or acute angle to the coast. It typically dissipates not far from the shore and rarely extends beyond 25 meters (80 feet).

Cancun hotels on the beach
Cancun Hotel Zone

Is Cancun Safe To Travel Alone?

Solo travel in Cancun is generally safe, provided you adhere to a few straightforward guidelines:

  • Moderation is Key: Limit alcohol consumption, avoiding overindulgence, especially when traveling solo.

  • Stay Where It’s Busy: Choose accommodations in well-populated areas and steer clear of deserted streets.

  • Exercise Caution Beyond Cancun: Unless part of a group or guided tour, consider avoiding areas outside Cancun.

  • Know Your Boundaries: While solo travel is liberating, understanding your personal limits is crucial. Trust your instincts if something feels too risky to undertake alone.

  • Prioritize Research: Conduct thorough research to identify safe areas and reputable hotels for your stay.

Isla Mujeres dock sign
Dock at Isla Mujeres

The Three Safest Places in Cancun

The Hotel Zone, or Zona Hotelera

True to its name, the Hotel Zone stretches along the Cancun beach, boasting a multitude of predominantly all-inclusive hotels. While originally designed for tourism, this area now also features numerous luxurious residential properties.

Security is notably stringent in this zone, given that tourism constitutes Cancun’s primary revenue source. Even during the nighttime, strolling around here is generally safe. However, it’s prudent to avoid secluded areas.

If you have a hankering for the beach, opt for the shoreline in front of your hotel, ensuring that hotel security is on-site.

Downtown Cancun

Downtown Cancun serves as the city’s core, albeit without a traditional central square or a well-organized layout. Instead, it comprises scattered parks, commercial centers, cafes, and residential zones.


In essence, Downtown Cancun isn’t particularly conducive to leisurely walks, unlike cities such as Mexico City or Merida.


During daylight hours, it is generally a safe area to explore. However, venturing out after dark is best avoided unless you have access to your own vehicle and can travel directly to your destination.


Many restaurants offer valet parking services, which are secure and save you from navigating obscure streets for parking.


When moving from one place to another, whether within Downtown Cancun or beyond, it’s advisable to opt for a taxi. Avoid walking, especially if you’re alone, as there is no Uber service available in Cancun, unfortunately.


Isla Mujeres

In case you’re unfamiliar, Isla Mujeres is a breathtaking island located just off the coast of Cancun. If you find yourself in Cancun, a visit to Isla Mujeres is a must.


Similar to the Hotel Zone, Isla Mujeres caters entirely to tourists, ensuring ample security and a high level of safety. If you ever have any uncertainties, your hotel can readily assist in arranging tours, excursions, or outings for you. Hotel staff are dedicated to ensuring their guests’ enjoyment and safety.

Cancun Mercado 28
Cancun Mercado 28

Is Cancun Safe Outside the Hotel Zone?

As previously mentioned, Cancun is typically a very safe destination. In fact, when comparing crime statistics, Cancun often ranks safer than many cities in the United States.


The majority of incidents do not impact tourists, and when they do, they tend to involve minor offenses. Nonetheless, it’s essential to exercise caution when outside your hotel in Cancun and take necessary precautions. Whenever feasible, consider having your hotel organize tours or excursions on your behalf.


In situations of uncertainty regarding an area’s safety, don’t hesitate to consult the hotel staff, who can provide guidance and information.


Is Cancun Safe For Female Travelers?

Absolutely! Cancun is a safe destination for female travelers. Simply exercise caution and employ good judgment, as outlined in the tips below.


Daytime exploration while traveling solo is generally fine. However, it’s advisable to confine your nighttime excursions to well-trodden tourist areas.


Regardless of the time of day, steer clear of desolate locales and trust your instincts, irrespective of your whereabouts. If you ever feel uneasy, seek refuge with the nearest group of people.


Is Cancun Safe FAQs

Is There Uber in Cancun?

As of 2023 there is still no Uber in Cancun. You are obligated to use their local taxis. The local taxi union is very strong in all of the state of Quintana Roo.

Are Taxis Safe in Cancun

Indeed, using a taxi in Cancun is typically safe. Nevertheless, if you experience even a hint of discomfort or something doesn’t sit well with you, don’t hesitate to decline the taxi and flag down another one.


Additionally, it’s crucial to establish the fare in advance. Failing to do so may lead to drivers requesting exorbitant amounts upon reaching your destination, resulting in an unpleasant experience.


Can You Safely Walk Around Cancun at Night?

When you’re in the Hotel Zone or Isla Mujeres, strolling around at night is quite convenient.


Nevertheless, it’s wise to confine your exploration to well-frequented areas. If you wish to savor the nighttime beach ambiance, opt for the beach directly in front of your hotel, ensuring the presence of security personnel.


Avoid venturing into desolate areas and dimly lit streets after dark. If you need to travel from one location to another, consider using a taxi.


It’s advisable to refrain from utilizing public transportation during nighttime hours.

A Cancun taxi driver near his taxi
Cancun Taxis are Safe

Is Cancun Safe from Cartels?

Cartels represent a significant concern in the realm of Mexican tourism, and Cancun is no stranger to this issue. The Mexican government makes it a priority to ensure Cancun is safe from cartels


However, it’s important to find reassurance in the fact that cartels typically do not pose a direct threat to tourists. Incidents related to cartels predominantly revolve around conflicts between rival cartels or disputes within the drug trade.


As a tourist, you can generally enjoy peace of mind, knowing that you are not a typical target for these criminal organizations, unless you become involved in drug-related activities. Your safety is not typically their primary focus.

Do and Don’ts in Cancun

For sure Dos:

  • Consider staying either in the Hotel Zone or the adjacent Downtown area.

  • Given Cancun’s abundant sunshine, ensure you pack ample high-quality sunscreens suitable for Mexico.

  • Do check out Isla Mujeres.

  • Prioritize obtaining travel and health insurance ahead of your trip.

  • Familiarize yourself with enough Spanish to communicate effectively and grasp the essentials.

For sure Don’ts

  • Do not utilize the currency exchange services at the airport.

  • Do not carry excessive cash while out and about, and opt for using Pesos, if possible. While shops may accept US dollars, the exchange rate is generally unfavorable (for you).

  • Never, ever consume tap water.

  • Do not let your guard down!  Embrace kindness and friendliness, but remain vigilant. If approached by someone, rely on your instincts; if you sense discomfort, distance yourself.

  • Do not pay the listed price.  When shopping, you can attempt to negotiate, although vendors may sometimes choose to forego a sale rather than lower prices. Keep in mind that souvenir prices are often inflated.


Well, is Cancun a safe option for your vacation? Well, here we are at last. The good news is that Cancun is a safe destination for tourists. It’s no surprise that it ranks as one of Mexico’s most beloved vacation spots, welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors each year (and rightfully so).

In fact, when you examine the crime statistics, Cancun often proves to be safer than many cities in the United States. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to bear in mind that you are always in Mexico, and taking precautions is paramount.

The safety tips I’ve outlined above are just a few of the measures to keep in mind. Always trust your instincts; if something doesn’t feel right, it’s best to remove yourself from the situation.

As long as you exercise caution, you can enjoy your time in Cancun worry-free. I highly recommend a visit (and don’t forget Isla Mujeres). Happy travels!

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