Discover Yucatan with David Carbs

Discover the Magic of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula - Your Ultimate Travel Guide

From ancient ruins to pristine beaches, vibrant culture to mouthwatering cuisine, I will help you experience the very best of this enchanting corner of Mexico.

A short introduction About David Carbs

Welcome to our travel website dedicated to Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula! I’m David Carbajal, the owner of the website. After spending 40 years in the USA, I moved back to Mexico and fell in love with the Yucatan. I’ve been living in Merida, Yucatan since 2019, exploring its culture, history, and natural beauty. As a passionate traveler and local insider, I want to share my first-hand experience and advice with you, so you can discover the magic of this enchanting region just like I did. Our mission is to provide you with all the resources and inspiration you need to plan an unforgettable trip to the Yucatan, from must-visit destinations to hidden gems, authentic activities to delicious cuisine. Let’s start exploring together!



The cultural heart of the Yucatan Peninsula, Merida is a charming colonial city with a vibrant arts scene, lively markets, and stunning architecture. Must-visit attractions include the iconic Paseo de Montejo, the colorful Lucas de Galvez Market, and the stunning Gran Museo del Mundo Maya.


One of the most popular beach destinations in the world, Cancun is renowned for its white sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and vibrant nightlife. Visitors can explore ancient Mayan ruins, snorkel in the coral reefs, or simply relax and soak up the sun.


A picturesque seaside town, Tulum is famous for its stunning Mayan ruins perched atop a cliff overlooking the Caribbean Sea. The town also boasts beautiful beaches, excellent cuisine, and a laid-back bohemian vibe.

Chichen Itza

One of the most famous Mayan archaeological sites in the world, Chichen Itza is a must-visit for history buffs and culture enthusiasts. The iconic pyramid of Kukulkan is a marvel of ancient engineering, and the site is home to many other impressive ruins and artifacts.


A picturesque colonial town located midway between Cancun and Merida, Valladolid is known for its beautiful architecture, colorful streets, and vibrant local culture. Visitors can explore the charming historic center, visit the nearby cenotes, or enjoy delicious local cuisine at one of the many restaurants and cafes.

Things To Do

Visiting Mayan Ruins

The Yucatan Peninsula is home to numerous ancient Mayan ruins, including Chichen Itza, Tulum, and Uxmal. Visitors can explore these impressive archaeological sites and learn about the rich history and culture of the Mayan civilization.

Swimming in Cenotes

Cenotes are natural sinkholes filled with crystal-clear freshwater, and are a unique and refreshing way to experience the Yucatan Peninsula’s natural beauty. Popular cenotes include Ik Kil, Xkeken, and Dos Ojos.

Trying Local Cuisine

The Yucatan Peninsula is known for its delicious and diverse cuisine, blending Mayan, Spanish, and Caribbean influences. Must-try dishes include cochinita pibil, ceviche, and chiles en nogada.

Exploring Colonial Towns

The region boasts several picturesque colonial towns, such as Merida and Valladolid, which offer beautiful architecture, charming streets, and vibrant local culture.

Snorkeling and Scuba Diving

The Yucatan Peninsula is home to the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the second-largest coral reef system in the world. Visitors can enjoy excellent snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities in spots such as Cozumel and Isla Mujeres.

Visiting Biosphere Reserves

The region is home to several protected biosphere reserves, such as Sian Ka’an and Rio Lagartos, which offer unique opportunities to explore the diverse flora and fauna of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Yucatan beaches

Enjoying the Beaches

The Yucatan Peninsula boasts some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in the world, such as Playa del Carmen, Cancun, and Tulum. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and a variety of water sports in these stunning beach destinations.

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