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Is Cancun Safe from Cartels

Is Mexico safe flow chart

Is Cancun Safe from Cartels


Cancun stands out as one of Mexico’s most sought-after vacation spots. Remarkably, in 2022, this city welcomed an astounding 30 million travelers, an impressive figure that ranks high among tourist destinations worldwide. I’ve travelled to Cancun 20+ times since 2018 so I write this article as a local authority. Don’t believe major news machines, they have their own agenda.

The primary allure of Cancun lies in its pristine beaches and luxurious resorts. Most visitors opt for accommodations in the Zona Hotelera, also known as the Hotel Zone, which boasts a vibrant strip of resorts, clubs, and bars right along the shoreline, offering a taste of Cancun’s renowned nightlife.

For those seeking a more authentic experience, downtown Cancun beckons with its local culture and delectable street food offerings. Venturing beyond the city, you can explore the hidden gems of the Yucatan Peninsula, including enchanting cenotes (natural sinkholes and swimming holes) and the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza.

Even if you aren’t a party-seeking traveler, Cancun has much to offer in terms of these treasures. However, you might have reservations about safety, given Mexico’s international reputation. This travel guide delves deep into the matter of safety in Cancun and provides valuable precautions to ensure your well-being. Join us as we shed light on everything you need to know!

Woman by the Cancun sign
The Cancun city sign

5 Reasons Cancun is Safe from Cartels

Tourist-Focused Security Measures

Cancun’s tourism industry plays a vital role in the city’s economy, and as a result, there are significant efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of visitors. Local authorities, in collaboration with hoteliers and tour operators, have implemented robust security measures in popular tourist areas. These measures include increased police presence, regular patrols, and surveillance systems. The primary objective is to create a secure environment that allows tourists to enjoy their time in Cancun without feeling threatened by cartel-related violence.


Distinct from High-Risk Areas

It’s important to differentiate between Cancun and regions that are more directly impacted by cartel violence. While drug-related crimes occur in certain parts of Mexico, they are predominantly concentrated along major drug trafficking routes, far from popular tourist destinations like Cancun. The city has not experienced the same level of cartel-related violence as other areas. By staying within well-known tourist areas like downtown Cancun, visitors can minimize any potential risks and focus on enjoying the beauty and attractions that Cancun has to offer.


Government Initiatives and Law Enforcement

The Mexican government recognizes the importance of maintaining the safety and security of tourists in Cancun. Authorities have implemented initiatives to combat organized crime and enhance public safety. Efforts include strengthening law enforcement agencies, investing in surveillance technology, and improving coordination among different levels of government. These measures aim to protect both residents and visitors, ensuring a safe environment in popular tourist areas like Cancun.


Focus on Tourist Protection

Cancun’s tourism industry places a significant emphasis on visitor safety. Hotels, resorts, and businesses prioritize the well-being of their guests, implementing stringent security protocols and hiring trained staff. Tourist assistance centers and tourist police units are in place to provide information, guidance, and support to visitors. By actively engaging in visitor protection initiatives, Cancun demonstrates its commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for tourists.


Positive Tourist Experiences

Millions of tourists visit Cancun each year and have unforgettable experiences without encountering cartel-related violence. Countless travel blogs, testimonials, and reviews speak to the enjoyable and secure nature of trips to Cancun. Visitors have the opportunity to explore ancient ruins, relax on pristine beaches, indulge in local cuisine, and immerse themselves in the vibrant culture, all while feeling safe and secure.

Cancun hotels on the beach
Cancun Hotel Zone

Is Cancun safe in 2023

Cancun, historically known for its safety, remains relatively secure in Mexico, even though recent crime rates have seen an uptick. Nevertheless, it’s important not to disregard safety precautions while enjoying your vacation.

Located in the southern Mexican state of Quintana Roo, Cancun resides in one of Mexico’s safest regions. The U.S. government advises its citizens to exercise added caution in Quintana Roo, ranking it at the second-lowest advisory level in their system. 

On the other hand, other governments take a more relaxed stance on travel to Cancun and its surrounding areas. For instance, the UK government encourages its citizens to visit Cancun and Quintana Roo while recommending that travelers familiarize themselves with necessary safety measures.

It’s worth noting that crime does occur in Cancun, with common offenses including:

  • pickpocketing

  • bag snatching

  • theft of unattended items

  • drink spiking

  • assault

Aerial image of Cancun Mexico in 1970
Cancun in 1970

Petty theft ranks as the most prevalent criminal activity in the vicinity of Mexico’s popular tourist resorts, and Cancun is no exception to this trend.


For criminals, tourists often present an ideal target due to their tendency to carry fewer valuables than locals and display a somewhat lower level of vigilance. To safeguard yourself against pickpocketing and similar thefts, particularly when exploring areas beyond the resort confines in Cancun, it is crucial to take basic precautions.


Avoid actions that might draw attention to you as a potential target for thieves, such as wearing expensive jewelry or watches and openly displaying a substantial amount of cash. Unless you are heading directly to an upscale event, consider leaving your jewelry securely stored in your hotel safe or, better yet, back at home. Ensure that your valuable belongings remain inaccessible to potential thieves, never leaving your possessions unattended.


A common oversight among tourists is leaving their bags unattended on the beach, only to return from a swim to discover their phone and wallet missing. Avoid hanging your bag off the back of a chair in a restaurant or leaving your luggage unattended in a hotel lobby during check-in, as thieves can strike anywhere.


In the event your hotel lacks an in-room safe, inquire about alternative options. Some hotels offer lobby safes where they can store guests’ valuables. Always request a receipt when leaving an item in the lobby safe to establish the hotel’s responsibility in case of any disappearance.

Cancun hotel zone at sunrise
Cancun at sunrise

Cartel activity in Cancun

In recent years, Cancun, typically known for its safety, has grappled with an increasing issue of cartel-related violence. The Australian government, in its Mexico travel advisory, highlights incidents of shoot-outs even occurring in popular tourist areas, including Cancun.


During such shootouts, tourists are rarely the direct targets of cartel members, who primarily aim to settle disputes with rival cartels. Nevertheless, there’s a significant risk of getting caught in the crossfire. If you perceive a tense situation, it’s crucial to promptly vacate the area to prevent any potential escalation. Following the lead of local residents is advisable; if you observe locals packing up and heading for the exit, join them without delay.


Additionally, the Canadian government alerts travelers to the surge in violent crimes accompanying the cartel violence in the Mayan Riviera, which encompasses Cancun. Incidents like kidnappings, carjackings, and assaults have affected tourists in Cancun.


Many times, the individuals behind these violent crimes have affiliations with cartels. Most of these occurrences transpire during nighttime, so it’s prudent to restrict your movements after dark. Stick to well-frequented tourist areas where law enforcement patrols are more common, and avoid venturing into dimly lit alleyways or secluded beach areas where potential assailants may lurk.


Refrain from driving after nightfall or taking taxis on excursions outside of Cancun during nighttime hours. Maintaining alertness of your surroundings is essential to swiftly react to any potentially perilous situations. Therefore, it’s advisable to consume alcohol in moderation while in Cancun. Despite the city’s reputation as a party destination, excessive inebriation increases the likelihood of becoming a target for criminals or getting entangled in precarious circumstances.

Cancun Mercado 28
Cancun Mercado 28

Neighborhoods to Avoid in Cancun

Typically, crime in Cancun is concentrated in specific high-risk zones. Avoiding these areas is pivotal for your safety. Cancun’s downtown area is a favored spot for those seeking a deeper immersion in the local culture beyond their resort’s confines.

Nevertheless, it’s important to note that nighttime in the downtown area can become somewhat precarious. Therefore, consider exploring only if you are confident in staying on well-lit, secure streets and have the company of a larger group.

Some high crimes neighborhoods to avoid are:

  • Bonfil

  • Valle Verde

  • Santa Cecilia

  • Tres Reyes

These neighborhoods exhibit an exceptionally elevated crime rate and are strongly advisable to be avoided. Fortunately, the majority of these areas are situated at a considerable distance from the tourist zones, minimizing the likelihood of accidental encounters.

Cancun lifeguard
Cancun lifeguard

Safety guidelines for Cancun

Here are some additional safety tips for Cancun.

Avoid illegal drugs

  •  Steer clear of illegal drugs, as drug use is strictly punished in Mexico. Additionally, supporting illegal drug trade indirectly funds criminal cartels and can draw unwanted attention to yourself.

Guard your drink

  • Exercise caution, especially if you’re a woman, by keeping a close eye on your beverage when in Cancun’s nightclubs. Incidents of assaults against female travelers have occurred.

Stay safe while enjoying the nightlife

  • Criminals often target intoxicated tourists in Cancun’s clubs, so it’s essential to be cautious. Always go out with a group of trusted individuals and avoid being alone, especially when going to the restroom.

Exercise caution when swimming

  • Take care not to exceed your swimming abilities and avoid venturing into deeper waters than you are prepared for. Adhere to any posted warnings and follow lifeguard instructions. It’s also advisable not to swim while under the influence of alcohol.

Beautiful Cancun Beach

Frequently Asked Questions About Visiting Cancun

1. Is Cancun safe right now in 2023?

  • The crime rate in Cancun has increased in 2023, but it is still safe to visit due to the presence of Mexican police patrolling tourist areas.

2. Is Cancun safe to travel to right now?

  • Yes, Cancun is safe to travel to at the moment, thanks to heightened law enforcement efforts. However, it’s advisable to monitor local news before your trip for any potential changes.

3. Are there any travel warnings for Cancun Mexico?

  • The United States issued a Level Two travel warning for Quintana Roo, the state where Cancun is located. While it advises increased caution due to high crime rates, it does not discourage travelers from visiting Cancun.

4. Is Cancun safe for female travelers?

  • Cancun sees many female travelers each year, but additional precautions are recommended, such as avoiding walking alone at night and exercising caution in bars and clubs.

5. When should I avoid traveling to Cancun?

  • It’s advisable to avoid traveling to Cancun between August and October, which marks the peak of hurricane season. During this period, the region can experience powerful storms.


While it’s crucial to be aware of the broader context of organized crime in Mexico, it is important to dispel the misconception that Cancun is heavily impacted by cartel violence. The city maintains a focus on visitor safety through targeted security measures, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and a thriving tourism industry that prioritizes the well-being of tourists. 


By following general safety guidelines and staying within designated tourist areas, travelers can confidently experience the beauty and wonders of Cancun without undue concern about cartel-related violence. 

Embrace the enchanting city, immerse yourself in its cultural offerings, and create lasting memories in this safe and captivating destination. While Mexico may exhibit higher levels of criminal activity compared to the United States, Cancun does have significantly lower rates than many American cities.

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